As a part of the ecological cycle, cannabis must utilise natural and innovative means to survive invading pathogens and encourage growth. Luckily, CBG, one of the first cannabinoid compounds produced by young cannabis plants, may be their best defense against bacteria and fungi.

Is it possible that this natural, antibacterial innovation could be leveraged to improve the quality of life for modern cannabinoid consumers? New and exciting information regarding CBD’s ability to fight infectious agents, including “superbugs” like MRSA, certainly seems to support this idea.

CBG and CBD Antibacterial Potential

At this point, you may be asking, “Does CBD/CBG oil kill viruses and bacteria?” but let’s take a moment to slow down before jumping to conclusions. Keep in mind that bacteria and viruses are two different infective agentsCBG and CBD’s antiviral properties have been studied, and it is clear that they are not well connected to many viral pathologies. However, CBD and CBG still shine when their role in bacterial management is examined.

Global use of prescription antibiotics has led to quickly spreading drug resistance, as bacterial microbes mutate to survive the assault that these powerful medications cause. Fortunately, nature already provides a vast array of gentle antibacterial plants (such as oregano, garlic, onion, tea treeturmeric, and more), whose softer qualities do not encourage alarming rates of treatment resistance. All of these plant varieties have a large number of antioxidants and a wide assortment of plant compounds that may support the microbial integrity of our bodies.

New studies are indicating that CBG may effectively help to combat Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a particularly resistant “superbug.” This quality could be comparable to prescription antibiotics used as a last resort, without the known side effects of these tricky antibacterial pharmaceuticals. However, with this more compassionate approach to infection, don’t expect to be searching for the perfect herbal CBG or CBD dosage for MSRA, any time soon. While research is still being conducted on this vital subject, we recommend that our readers consider addressing their health over an extended period, by consistently choosing maintenance doses of antibacterial herbs, spices, and foods.

CBG vs. Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteria

Two main types of bacteria are relevant to this article: gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Gram-positives, like MRSA, have a single-layered, but sturdy membrane. The gram-negative bacteria have two membranes, leading to a more significant challenge in treatment and a higher risk to public health.

Cannabigerol truly shines when used against MRSA and other gram-positive bacteria. However, it does not have a compelling direct effect on gram-negative bacteria such as Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Despite this, using CBG and potentially other cannabinoids, in conjunction with pharmaceutical antibiotics, may help to break apart the additional membrane surrounding gram-negative bacteria effectively destroying these pathogens.

This multi-faceted approach supports the concept that a variety of natural antibacterial sources is the way to go. These minimal side-effect items can be purchased at the grocery store, wellness shops, and more. Garlic, which helps to combat both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, will take a unique approach when compared to, say, turmeric, which affects a particular selection of bacteria in specified ways. Perhaps including a variety of natural compounds in our daily consumption, including CBG and CBD, could enhance our overall well-being.
Regardless, we can definitively say that taking in natural foods and approved dietary ingredients can lead to improved microbial and bacterial balance in the body. Enjoy natural products for their incredible potential, but be sure to fuel your system with plenty of colourful fruits/veggies, exercise, outdoor adventures, and positivity.

Cannabinoid Innovation

Cannabis plants have likely been creating CBG as an antibacterial and anti-fungal agent to help plant proliferation for millennia. It is only now that we are starting to harvest the results of our modern research and beginning to understand that this plant mechanism may come in handy for our own mammalian systems. This crossover between animal and plant health is an exciting new revelation that everyone from horticulturists to holistically inclined citizens will benefit from, as new research illuminates the relationship between cannabinoids and bacterial infections.

CBG can be found in trace amounts in a variety of broad-spectrum products, such as our CBD Oils. In many cannabis/hemp strains, cannabigerol is a minimised plant cannabinoid, meaning that these amounts will not have a significant effect on human physiology. That is why we have used natural means to refine and produce our coveted CBG Tincture Oils.
These signature CBG oils come in 10ml containers, with your choice of either 250mg or 500mg CBG infusions. With many consumers enjoying active doses of as low as 5-10mg, these bottles will easily enhance your daily wellness routine, at an affordable rate. Elevate your hemp regimen with CBD Guru products. We offer only the finest, 100% THC-free, third party lab-tested cannabinoid products for your convenience.